The journeyGiannis Αntetokounmpo, three years after Milko’s initial launch, had become «grown up» a lot; he conquered both NBA and the promotional breaks with multiple sponsorship / partnerships. Thus, we had to find a unique way to communicate the basic product message (Milko = energy drink) in a cluttered environment.
We created the 3-minute CGI movie “Giannis needs Milko”. The movie opens in Milwaukee when Giannis Αntetokounmpo wakes up with the absolute desire for Milko. It is a greek production which took 5 months to be accomplished. The film was launched in the All Star Game period, with Giannis Αntetokounmpo being the number one topic in all media. From the first day of launch, all sports sites talked about an epic film that has never been done before in Greece.
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